9 Ways To Stop Roof Leaks in Heavy Rain

High winds and hailstones lead to leaky roofs in heavy rains. Are you experiencing roof leaks whenever there is heavy rain?

Trying to protect items in the house from dripping water is always inconvenient. Leave aside the roof, which leaked and left dark spots on the ceiling, detracting from its appearance.

It is critical to repair a leaky roof early. It helps you avoid costly repairs caused by further damage. Ensure roof flashing, chimney, and flat roofs are installed correctly. Damaged and cracked metal roofs also lead to roof leaks in heavy rain.

Are you searching for ways to prevent roof leaks in heavy rain? Understanding the causes of roof leaks and the procedure for avoiding them is vital. Learn about the causes of water leaks in heavy rain and how to implement prevention strategies.

Major Causes of Roof Leaks in Heavy Rain

You may wonder what causes ceiling leaks in heavy rain—concerned about the damage a leaking roof is doing to your house?

There is no need to be a specialist to identify a roof leak. Instead, learn about some common causes of roof leaks here to save time and money. 

Issues With Your Chimney 

A chimney leaks in various ways. The spoiled chimney may have its metal roof flashing in the wrong way. The flashing degrades, causing them to leak during heavy rain. The exposure of chimney bricks to heavy rain causes saturation, allowing water into your home.

Also, a loose metal roof due to rusted fasteners that keep it in place might lead to a leaking roof. Its ruined chimney caps allow roof penetration through the chimney top.

Sometimes an incompetent roofing contractor uses slump mortar. It leads to poor brick consolidation, causing cracks. In addition, the bricks will cause leaking in the fireplace’s surroundings.

Tear and wear also cause crevices and cracks. Gaps surface along the seal in the seam holding the chimney and flashing. These gaps lead to leaks.

Improperly Fitted Roofing Nails Cause Leaking

Surfaces that have poorly installed nails are hazardous. Over time, in heavy rain, nails pop out, leaving space for roof penetrations. Water then enters buildings through the nails on the roofs.

Also, if a nail is driven sideways or not deeply installed, its top will return through the shingle. Rainwater clenches the head and follows the nail into your attic.

Another cause is associated with decking nails. If the nail didn’t hit the wood when the framing was finished, the sun would always draw it in.

Beware of temperature changes and humidity. The continuous expansion and contraction of plywood due to temperature changes causes damage. Eventually, the nail loosens and pops out, leading to a leaking roof.

Rusted Roof Flashing

Roof flashings are crucial elements of your roof. They are thin metal strips fitted around leak-prone areas on your roofing surface. They are used to seal areas where the roofing material meets an outside wall to eliminate condensation leaks.

Since metals are prone to rust, flashings usually get damaged. Damaged flashing on roofs allows leaking because it’s in areas with heavy rainfall and water flows. In worse conditions, it can generate holes in ceilings and walls where leaking occurs.

The major failing of flashing is when its watertight seal has eroded and has cracks in it. Rainwater seeps in and causes further damage.

Rusty patches also cause leaks. However, they are small and difficult to spot. Thus, the rust spots under the flashings in these situations will only be seen upon close inspection.

Some signs to look for include the following:

  • Missing shingles: Roof flashing loosens during high winds or storms. Rust parts are blown or washed away, leaving voids. 
  • Small holes: Corrosion causes small holes. Any little space allows leaking beneath roof shingles.
  • Rust: Roof flashing elements will corrode even if it’s galvanized. Rusty surfaces do not repel rainwater. Check for wet spots to identify roof leaks in heavy rain.   
  • Cracks or dents: Cracks on galvanized material weaken the structure of other metals. When the metal roof is exposed, it can be vulnerable to corrosion.

Failure in Plumbing Pipe Boot

Boot pipes are metal or rubber collars that engrave vent pipes that stand out from your roof. Adverse weather periods cause pipe boot failures. 

It results in roof leaks that can get into your building’s ceiling in heavy rain. The damaged pipe boot needs to be replaced. Some causes of pipe boot failure are;

  • Debris. Some roofers fail to provide enough space between the pipe boot base and the shingles during the fitting process. Debris gets stuck between the pipe flashing and shingles, pooling water. It leads to roof leaks in cases of heavy rains.  
  • Failed pipe boot gasket. Cheap substandard gaskets used during installation easily cause hail damage. Materials used last only a short time in heavy rain. 
  • Incorrect Pipe flashings. Some plumbers forget to caulk exposed nail tops around flashing zones. Over time, nail heads corroded, causing roof leaks in heavy rain.

Problems With Your Skylight

Any building looks better with skylights because they are a great source of free light. However, like most other things in the house, they occasionally run into issues due to damaged or improperly installed flashing or condensation dripping off a skylight that hasn’t been properly insulated.

Skylights frequently leak during heavy rains. Necessarily, this doesn’t indicate a broken skylight; condensation from rain seeping through is present. 

Numerous things, such as everyday wear, poor installation, and skylight placement, can cause a leaking roof. For example, many skylights use flashing and gaskets known to wear out over time. 

Mold development is a problem, too. Again, mold can quickly flourish in the wet, humid area that surrounds the skylight. But, again, it harms the family’s health by causing respiratory problems. 

When a skylight is installed correctly, it rarely fails in the first few years, but when it isn’t, it will start to have issues quickly. 

Skylight placement in bathrooms is undesirable. In addition, high humidity levels in this space can cause significant moisture issues like cracks and condensation dripping.

Another cause is normal tear and wear. Specific joints and the cement and sealant used to bind them together will eventually lose strength. You encounter condensation issues when this happens.

Debris in Roof Valleys

The troughs at the intersections of a roof’s slopes are referred to as roof valleys. Troughs gather rainwater and channel it into a gutter, so it doesn’t cause roof leaks.

Are the gutters on your roof completely clean? Your roof may be dripping water if this is the case. Always keep leaves, branches, and other debris out of the gutters. If you fail to do so, water will overflow under your shingles and lead to other roof penetrations.

Your gutters may start to separate from your house, causing damage due to the extra weight. In addition, it causes terrible drainage, which brings about leaks during heavy rain.

The accumulation of leaves and twigs will trap water and produce a capillary action leak. Water seeps into the house through the gaps between the tiles or shingles.

Wet leaves stick to the roof’s valleys, causing corrosion and rust bubble growth. They grow into valley holes, which have the potential to destroy nearby roof shingles.

In the winter, ice forms in the roof valleys due to leaves accumulating there. When it freezes, water expands, causing the shingles to move and leading to roof leaks during heavy rain.

How to Stop a Roof Leak in Heavy Rain

You have many options to fix roof leaks during heavy rain. We’ve written a bit-by-bit manual to make things easier for you. Find out how to fix a roof leak in the rain!

Remove Furniture and Other Items From the Vicinity of the Water Leak  

Remove all furniture and other items from the leak area. You won’t likely cause any damage to them. Keeping electronics away from sources of water leaks is another important precaution!

Never touch a chord or wire submerged in water. Instead, go to the breakers on the walls of the affected rooms and turn off the electricity. By doing this, you can prevent dangerous accidents like electrical shocks or even electrocution.

Aim to Keep the Rain Water From Water Leak

After evacuating items, look for a bucket to collect the dripping water. It will prevent any water damage to your flooring and save you the trouble of cleaning up a big mess later.

Drops won’t splatter on nearby outlets, items, or walls if there is something to prevent them.

Place the bucket underneath any leak. Having a second bucket handy to switch into when the first fills up is important if the leak is particularly heavy.

Try to Locate the Source of the Water Leaks

Check your roof first to ensure no other problems besides rain leaks. Clogged gutters and heating and cooling system issues are some additional potential sources for leaks.

Try to begin doing this where you first saw the water dripping. Check for areas with a clear water leak path left after leaking. Your understanding of the leak’s source will improve.

Examine the drywall and tiles on your ceiling for water damage. Leaks happen if there is a lack of alignment.

Once it stops raining, you can access the roof outside from an attic to check for a roof leak.

Enter the Attic

You can see the leak and the water entering the house differently from the attic. Doing so might help prevent roof leaks from spreading.

You must, however, protect yourself. For example, avoid climbing to the attic if your ladder is shaky or the flooring above is hazardous and slick.

Leaks are typically found in the attic, so avoid placing the bucket there directly.

Clear the insulation from the wet drywall and should clean up any puddles. Place a bucket on plywood across the joists to collect the water.

Take a Rooftop Approach to Check Roof Leaks

Go outside to the roof if you can’t find any problems in the attic. Be careful because the roof is unstable and slippery when it rains. Verify that you’ve taken all necessary precautions for safety.

Wait until the heavy rain stops before making this repair. Then, use a safe ladder to access the roof area where the leak is occurring. 

Use store patches to cover the section of the roof’s exterior for a while to stop the flow of water. These are short-term fixes to reduce roof leaks as you wait for roof replacement.

These quick fixes, though, are not enough. As a result, you will almost certainly need a roofing contractor to stop the leak.

Put Tar on the Roof Leak.

Use a piece of plywood or shingles to support the performance of roofing tar. Applying roofing tar will dry the spot if you push shingles or plywood against the roof leak area.

The best solution, in this case, is roofing tar patches, which work best with removable tiles. First, remove the tiles to check for internal leaks and the roofing tar to stop internal leaks.

Pour the tar and apply it while smearing it with a fiberglass mop. Focus on making smooth strokes. Cover every roof leak area and ensure the layers are thin.

Employ PE Plastic

Use polyethylene (PE) plastics, which catch water trying to enter, to contain roof leaks. They are cloaking substances better suited for roof leaks where the source is more elusive. 

Measure the roof leak areas to calculate how much PE plastic you need. Ensure the plastic properly covers the surface before nailing it into place.

Seal the Joints to Eliminate Roof Penetrations

Where two surfaces meet, flashings and cracks made of chalk and aluminum can allow rainwater to enter your home.

Use roof cement or sealer to block off areas with chimneys and valleys. Before applying the sealant, ensure the surface is clean, dry, and debris-free.

Keep the sealant on your roof for minor leaks, and replace the flashing if there are larger leaks due to damaged shingles.

Use Tarpaulins to Prevent Roof Leaks

It’s a temporary urgent roof leak repair. Erect a tarp over areas where you suspect there may be exterior roof penetrations.

Heavy rains and strong winds cause major damage. Extend the tarp over the crest after anc0, shingles, chimneys, roof valleys, and flashings. It will help you prevent roof leaks as soon as they appear. 

After applying a temporary fix, appoint a roofing contractor from a reputable roofing company (especially those with a five-star reputation in the roofing industry) to fix the problem.