Can Clogged Gutters Cause Roof Leaks?

Should you install the gutters yourself, or should a professional do it? The size of your pocket may influence this. But you should consider the right size of gutters. This depends on your roof size and the amount of rainwater on your roof.

Installing gutter troughs too small for the roof creates a flood, leading to clogged gutters with time. You will also need big enough gutters to accommodate rain if you live in an area where you notice a heavy fall or ice dams.

 How do Gutters Clog?

One of the most important exterior features of a home is the gutters. The drainage prevents excess water from leaking into your home through the ceiling and other physical damages.

Equally important, the gutters can also be a painful experience if neglected homeowners because trapped water seeps through the roof to your home’s interiors.

So, how does this happen? Guttered gutters accumulate from foreign materials such as ice, leaves, and dirt. Because the gutter and the roof are best of buddies that live alongside each other, Trapped water in the gutters overflows to the roof, causing damage to your home.

Therefore, when this happens, one should contact a professional gutter company to fix the issue. Depending on the damage, the situation may require the professional to repaint the ceiling or fix the molds.

Can Clogged Gutters Cause Roof Leaks?

Gutters prevent damage to your home. However, when there is a significant amount of underlying material in the gutter system, it creates an overflow. In turn, this leads to soil erosion and causes damage to the roof and the home’s interior, which can be long-term.

Looking after the gutter can be cumbersome. However, leaky roofs only indicate an existential problem with the gutter system. And imagining climbing up the roof and risking a gymnastic moment is not funny.

Buying a no-clog guarantee gutter protects you from leaks. In the rare event of clogged gutters, consider contacting Beldon, which repairs the gutters free of charge.

Beldon is also a credible company that has been in operation since 1946. It is based in Texas and has received an award from San Antonio Business Journal.

Furthermore, you may call Belton if you have problems with your window, roofing, siding, and doors, which the leaks may damage. Their contacts are 833-5 Beldon or 2103412959 via fax.

Signs of a Clogged Gutter?

Presence of Insects and Pests

Insects, mosquitoes, and rodents can reside in your clogged gutters. With time, these pests and insects visit your home if the windows and doors are open. Thanks to the stagnant water, you can also notice spider webs and mosquitoes hovering around your home.

In the long run, this could lead to health issues like malaria. Moreover, the molds that form may be harmful to your health.


Where does the leak cause the stain to come from? You may need to call a professional to assess the situation. This could be done by assessing the root of the problem and removing some shingles if the source of the leaks needs to be clarified.

Stains on the Gutter’s system or the roof may signify a clogged gutter. Water pools to the roof, causing damage. The seeping water gradually damages the walls, the foundation, and other parts of the interior. In the end, one may need to replace or repair the roof.

If the damage is on the foundation, the house needs repairing because the house may collapse. If the repairs are minor, consider contacting a professional contractor. Its repair cost ranges from $2000-$6000.  

Drooping Gutters

Gutters that hover in the air indicate the overmuch water that creates exertion from the clogged gutters. They may pull down part of the exterior of the house. The gutters may also need repair or replacement.

Sprouting Plants

This is common in most households. Underlying materials that accumulate in the roof create organic matter over time. Then, it becomes the perfect garden in the presence of sunshine and moisture.

And while the kitchen garden is almost every homeowner’s dream, there are better choices than the rooftop for your home’s structural integrity.

Blocked Downspouts

Water should flow from the downspouts. If there is no water flow, the downspout may be clogged. Also, the water flowing should be clear of any debris.

If you notice any foreign substance, this may be a mild sign of future clogging. 

Why is your Roof Leaking at the Gutter Trough?

Clogged Gutters

Depending on where you live, you may notice clogged gutters more in certain areas compared to other areas. If you live near trees or if there is a storm or wind, the debris may result in clogged gutters. Therefore, the leaking roof is because of rainwater overflowing.

How often could you clean your gutters, then? It varies on the location you live and the environment. You can also install gutter guards to ward off the dirt.

Cracks and Holes

Wear and tear, storms, and deterioration, among other causes, begin to cause cracks. Inspecting your gutter trough regularly for cracks and holes can prevent the worsening of the leaks. Though the cracks and holes may start small, they progress with time from the leaks.

Detached Joints or Joints that are Improperly Sealed

 An amateur may fix the joints leading to havoc. Eventually, water spills over the edge rather than flowing into the gutters. Roof leaks may also follow.

To avoid this scenario, you should ensure that professional seals and joins your roof. If left unattended, the problem can require you to replace the gutters. 

The Angle of the Gutters

What is the pitch of the gutters? It should be a reasonable amount. Too low gutters in pitch easily attract debris.

On the other hand, gutters that are too high in pitch could cause the water to flow on the edge rather than inside the gutter system. Therefore, installing the gutters in the correct pitch prevents clogged gutters.

Loose Grips

Fasteners may become loose with time, especially those from old gutters. You should therefore contact the help of the professionals to inspect the roof and the gutter system once or twice annually. These professionals repair and fasten the grip preventing leaks and other damage.

Ice Dams

Ice dams form when the snow melts at the roof but freezes at the gutter. This creates standing water resulting in water damage. Professionals can insulate the roof, preventing snow melts.

Midwest Roofing might be ideal for roof, siding, and gutter repairs. It is a reliable company located in Eldon and Springfield.

You can contact them at 573 619 5641 if you live in Eldon and 417153352 for those that live in Springfield. It helps you safeguard your home’s structural integrity.

How do you Wash Clogged Gutters?

DIY Cleaning

When should you clean your gutters? Most people wait for the telltale signs before gutter cleaning. But the damage caused by the leak may be irreversible, needing replacement of the damaged equipment.

Therefore, you should regularly clean your gutters or unblock them before it causes water damage.

When cleaning the gutters yourself, clean the roof of debris to prevent them from falling back into the gutter trough. Use a broom or a leaf blower to do this.

However, clearing the leaves may be tricky to use a broom if the leaves are wet. Therefore, use a powder washer. Alternatively, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

Professional cleaners

One can clean clogged gutters or seek professional help. With all the DIYs, it may be tempting to clean the clogged gutters.

If you decide to get rid of the debris, you need an assistant, the right equipment, and safety gear, and you should work on a sunny, dry day.

What Happens if you don’t Wash your Gutters?

Firstly, clogged gutters can lead to costly roof damage if left unattended for an extended period. It can also damage the home’s interior, including electrical systems, furniture, walls, your house’s foundation, and other physical damages. If you notice cracks in the foundation, call professionals to fix this.

Secondly, you can also cause water damage to your garden. If lucky, this can only lead to an overflow. It may wipe some of your plants down the landscape in worst-case scenarios.

Lastly, the water damage in the fascia board leads to rot and gaps on the roof. Therefore, promising you a roof leak in the winter. Additionally, the exertion from the water makes the gutters sag, which damages the fascia board.

What Causes Gutters to Clog?

Your Environs

If your house is near trees, your roof is more likely to attract leaves and flowers. The wet leaves and flowers also attract pests, insects, and molds. These rodents escalate the problem through trapped water.

Downspouts are Fixed Incorrectly

If you install the downspout incorrectly, the debris begins to interfere with the water flow. To prevent this, clean the gutters and the downspouts of debris frequently.  

How do you Prevent Leaks from Clogging?

Trim the trees And Repair Cracks and Holes

You may trim the trees to contain the spread of leaves and flowers. However, this is not 100 percent because winds may carry the leaves into the gutters and onto the roof. In the winter, pests, insects, and rodents seek a warm shelter.

This can be in the rafters, roof tiles, and chimneys. You should check out cracks and holes that may leave rodents and pests in and repair them.

Repair Damaged Soffit and Fascia

Old soffit and fascia boards may rot with time, especially if ill-maintained. Soffit and fascia boards support the gutters and ventilate the roof. If left unchecked, you may notice molds forming from the rot and dampness.

Install Gutter covers

This decreases the amount of debris that gathers in the gutters. Installing gutter covers enables the gutters to drain water during heavy rain. Ensure the gutters are properly fixed in the roofline and the wall to prevent roof leaks.

Additionally, they should be the right size for your roof and drainage system. To prevent a leaky roof, you can invest in heat tape.


Gutter clogging is the most common gutter problem. Gutters should direct water away from the roof during heavy rain. But the opposite effect happens when the gutter is clogged.

This eventually leads to water accumulating on the rooftop, causing a roof leak. Therefore, regularly inspect the gutters or occasionally hire professional contractors to inspect the gutters for any physical damage, such as cracked walls and the house’s overall interior and exterior.